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Spirit of the Blues

Blues Georg Schroeter Marc Breitfelder Abi Wallenstein Spirit of the Blues

He seems like an old friend you've known for a long time, but still, any “Blues evening with Abi” is unique. He instantly facinates any audience with his smoky Blues voice, always clinging to his guitar, and an endearing, entertaining way of guiding people through his set.


He always brings along some Blues friends helping him turn the evening

into a one-of-a-kind experience. In this formation, he is backed up by Marc Breitfelder (harmonica) and Georg Schroeter (piano), both of them experts

on their instruments, who just now became the first European act ever to

win the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, TN, USA, the world's

most prestigious award for Blues musicians, and run away with it from the USA, the home of the blues.

           These concerts come with the promise of fun and recreation, excellent

Blues giving you goose bumps as well as unique interpretations played

solo or as a band by these congenial musicians coveted all over the world.

           Improvisation, connecting with the audience to share the magic of the

music with them plus an endless repertoire of Blues, ballads, Boogie etc. 

are just a few of their strengths – simply put: concerts to look forward to.

Spirit of the Blues

Abi Wallenstein
Georg Schroeter/Marc Breitfelder

Blues Georg Schroeter Marc Breitfelder Abi Wallenstein Spirit of the Blues
Blues Georg Schroeter Marc Breitfelder Abi Wallenstein Spirit of the Blues
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Anker 3

feat. excellent drummers

Blues Georg Schroeter Marc Breitfelder

Georg Schroeter/Marc Breitfelder
feat. excellent drummers

Tim Engel und Martin Röttger

Anker 4
Blues Georg Schroeter Marc Breitfelder Achim Erz
Blues Georg Schroeter Marc Breitfelder Oliver Spanuth



Anker 5
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